新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马云之后,富士康也说要在美国开工厂提供 5 万个工作岗位了

马云之后,富士康也说要在美国开工厂提供 5 万个工作岗位了

After Ma Yun, Foxconn said he wanted to open a factory in the United States and offer 50 thousand jobs

2017-01-23 11:15:31来源: TECH2IPO创见

两周前马云爸爸见到了当时还没正式上任的美国总统特朗普,经过四十分钟的会面交谈表示要帮助美国小公司和农场主通过淘宝向中国和亚洲出售商品,给美国创造 100 个就业机会。两周后的昨天,富士康董事长兼 CEO 郭台铭也对外表示正在考虑跟苹果公司在美国合资建立显示器面板生产公司,为美国提供 5 万个工作岗位。根据日经亚洲的报道,郭台铭对外表示这次合作建立的工厂将耗资 70 亿美元,提供 3-5 万就业机会,除了电视屏幕之外,还可能会生产智能手机的显示器。郭台铭表示建厂原因之一是美国作为世界第二大电视机购买市场,国内并没有电视机的生产工厂;他同时也表示苹果公司也将投资该工厂,因为苹果对于显示器面板的需求...

Two weeks ago, Ma dad saw was not officially elected president Trump, after forty minutes of talks to help the United States small companies and farmers to sell their goods to Chinese and Asia by Taobao, to create 100 jobs for the United states. Two weeks later, yesterday, Foxconn chairman and CEO Terry Gou also said he was considering a joint venture with Apple Corp in the United States to build a display panel manufacturing company to provide 50 thousand jobs for the United states. According to the Nikkei Asia report, Terry Gou said the foreign cooperation in the establishment of the factory will cost $7 billion, 3-5 million jobs, in addition to the TV screen, also may be the production of smart mobile phone display. Terry Gou said the plant is one of the reasons for the United States as the world's second largest TV market to buy, no domestic TV production factory; he also said the Apple Corp will also invest in the factory, because Apple for display panel demand...