新关注 > 信息聚合 > 法国锅具品牌STAUB借道天猫打开中国市场


French cookware brand STAUB route through the lynx open Chinese market

2015-08-25 09:06:10来源: 亿邦动力网

8月25日消息,双立人(zwilling)旗下的高端锅具品牌STAUB日前已正式入驻天猫商城,欲以官方旗舰店的形式打开中国在线市场,扩大品牌知名度。STAUB天猫旗舰店据悉,STAUB是一个来自法国的厨具制造商,隶属于德国双立人集团旗下,以制造精致的珐琅铸铁锅闻名,与Le Creuset、Fontignac并称法国铸铁锅具的三大品牌。其生产的珐琅铸铁锅被誉为法国国宝级铸铁锅,以单锅单模和丰富鲜艳的颜色而知名,具有导热快、传热均匀、耐高温、不生锈等优点。亿邦动力网了解到,STAUB天猫旗舰店已于8月20日正式开业,首次共上线了铸铁、陶瓷两大类的25款厨具产品。该品牌的每件产品都是独一无二的,瞄准...

8 month on the 25th, high-end cooker Zwilling (Zwilling) flag with brand STAUB has recently officially settled lynx mall, want to in the form of official flagship store opened online market in China, to expand the brand awareness. STAUB day Cat flagship store is STAUB is a from the French manufacturer of kitchenware, belonging to German Zwilling group's, known to produce exquisite enamel cast iron pot, is called French cast iron pot with three major brands and le Creuset, Fontignac. The production of cast iron enamel pot is praised for the French national cast iron pot, known for single pot single-mode and bright and rich colors, with the advantages of fast heat conduction, heat evenly, high temperature resistance, rust etc.. Billion state power network has learned, STAUB day Cat flagship store was opened on August 20, for the first time on the line of cast iron, two major categories of ceramics, 25 of the kitchenware products. Every product of the brand is unique, aimed at...

标签: 天猫