新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大数据AI科学家裴健加盟京东任副总裁,向刘强东汇报


Big data AI scientists PeiJian join jingdong ren, vice President, reporting to liu

2018-01-05 15:24:56来源: DoNews

DoNews1月5日消息 (记者 费倩文)1月5日,京东宣布,加拿大一级研究讲座教授(大数据科学领域)、加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学计算科学学院教授、统计与精算学系和健康科学院兼职教授裴健博士入职京东,任京东集团副总裁,向京东集团董事局主席兼首席执行官刘强东汇报。据悉,加入京东后,裴健将负责大数据平台与产品研发部,整合京东集团整体的数据采集、处理和相关数据产品研发的工作,持续探索大数据领域的先进技术理念和生态实践;同时,裴健还将兼管京东在智慧供应链领域的创新和应用。据介绍,裴健教授于2002年在加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学获计算科学博士学位, 于1991年和1993年分别于上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系获学士...

DoNews1 5 news (reporter FeiQianWen) on January 5, jingdong announced that Canada's primary research professor (big data science), Simon Fraser university in Canada, professor, school of computer science, statistics and actuarial science department and adjunct professor of health sciences in jingdong, Dr PeiJian jingdong group vice President, liu XiangJing east group chairman and CEO of reporting. It is understood that after joining jingdong, pei athlete is responsible for the big data platform and product research and development department, integration of jingdong group data acquisition, processing and related data of whole product research and development work, continue to explore advanced technology concept and ecological practice in the field of big data; At the same time, the management of jingdong PeiJian also in wisdom innovation and application in the field of supply chain. According to introducing, PeiJian professor at Simon Fraser university in Canada in 2002, received a doctor's degree from the department of computer science, in 1991 and 1993, respectively, department of computer science and engineering in Shanghai jiaotong university with a bachelor of...

标签: 京东 AI 大数据