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《消逝的光芒:邪恶之血》上线 12人惊险大逃杀

The dying of the light: the evil blood launched 12 thrilling battle royale

2018-09-14 10:55:19来源: 游戏时光

在今年8月时我们曾报道过,《消逝的光芒》大逃杀模式将于9月开启抢先体验。如今《消逝的光芒: 邪恶之血》已在Steam以Early Accesss的形式推出,这是一个结合了 PvE 要素的多人对战游戏,12名玩家将在满是僵尸的地图中搜集资源、武器和血液样本。其中,血液样本至关重要,玩家需要收集足够的样本才有资格坐上逃离该区域的直升机。视频地址在本作体验测试阶段, 玩家可以通过购买《消逝的光芒: 邪恶之血》创始者礼包来进行游戏, 它不但可以让你在游戏正式推出之前体验游戏, 而且还有属于创始者专属奖励。售价65元的创始者礼包将为你提供如下奖励:限定黄金创始者面具,3款限定传奇武器皮肤,可在游戏商店使...

In August this year, we reported, "the dying of the light" battle royale mode will open in September first experience. Now the dying of the light: the evil blood ", has been in the Steam to Early in the form of Accesss to launch, this is a combination of PvE elements in multiplayer games, 12 players on the zombie map of collection resources, weapons and a blood sample. Among them, the blood sample is crucial, players need to collect enough samples are eligible to sit on the fled the area of the helicopter. Video address experience in the testing phase, the player can be purchased "dying of the light: the evil blood" founder gift bag for the game, it not only can let you in the game before the official launch experience, but also belongs to the founder exclusive rewards. The founder of price 65 yuan package will provide you with the following awards: qualified founder of gold mask, three qualified legendary weapon skin, can be in the store makes game...