新关注 > 信息聚合 > 鹿客智能门锁新年送礼 “一步解锁”立省600元攻略

鹿客智能门锁新年送礼 “一步解锁”立省600元攻略

Deer guest smart door lock in the New Year gift "step to unlock" protection strategy of $600

2018-01-08 13:29:05来源: DoNews

双11、双12过完只能再等618才有超值优惠狂欢?当然不用等那么久,2018年开年小米生态链企业云丁科技旗下品牌鹿客智能门锁就携手天猫为消费者带来最棒的新年礼物——原价3299元的鹿客Touch智能门锁最低只需要2699元即可享受并获赠多种超值大礼包。将于1月8日-11日正式上线的“天猫超级品类日”#我就不想带钥匙#智能门锁专场活动,自2017年12月18日开始启动“10元预约”活动以来,凭借着鹿客Touch “门锁界iPhone”的强悍实力以及史上最大优惠力度,活动关注人数持续攀升中。另外,在同步开启活动的鹿客线下体验店中,也已吸引众多到店顾客,相关数据仍在持续攀升中,预计将于超级品类日当天...

Double, double 11 12 after 618 have a premium discount carnival can only wait? Don't have to wait that long, of course, millet iec 2018 years enterprise YunDing technology brands deer guest smart locks in cat bring consumers the best New Year gift of the original price 3299 yuan deer Touch smart locks only need 2699 yuan can enjoy and lowest offers a variety of value package. Will be officially launched on January 8-11 "Tmall super day" category of # # I don't want to take the key special intelligent door locks, since December 18, 2017 start since 10 yuan "reservation" activities, with a Touch of deer guest "locks the iPhone" strong strength and the biggest discount, activities focus on toll continued to climb. In addition, the simultaneous in deer guest experience offline store open activity, has attracted many to store customers, related data are still rising, is expected to be super category day...