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Facebook is betting on virtual reality games?

2015-10-06 11:02:45来源: DoNews

在科技巨头里面,Facebook算是比较低调的一家,它没有苹果的靓丽财报,眩目产品,也没有谷歌无人驾驶汽车的前卫,甚至与给力哥的火箭梦相比也相去甚远。但是,Facebook却在2014年斥资20亿美元收购沉浸式虚拟现实技术公司Oculus VR,Facebook首席技术官迈克·斯科洛普夫(Mike Schroepfer)在2015年初的F8开发者大会也宣布要把虚拟现实作为Facebook公司未来几年内的核心事务。国内的IT企业都喜欢跟风国际巨头,Facebook表态后,国内类似的公司也层出不穷,甚至罗永浩做手机不顺手也想做做虚拟现实,这个虚拟现实真的有戏吗?会成为下一个风口吗?我们来分析一下。...

in science and technology giant inside, Facebook is a relatively low-key, it is not Apple's earnings beautiful, dazzling products, there is no Google driverless car avant-garde, even with the awesome brother rocket compared far dream. However, Facebook spent $2000000000 acquisition of immersive virtual reality technology company VR Oculus, Facebook chief technology officer Mike Skolopf (Schroepfer Mike) at the beginning of 2015 F8 developer conference also announced to the virtual reality as the core business of Facebook company in the next few years. Domestic IT companies like to follow the trend of international giants, Facebook position after the domestic similar companies are also emerging, and even Luo Yonghao to do the mobile phone is not easy to do also want to do virtual reality, the virtual reality really do have a play?. ...