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Sony will push all the chips on the website: designed for 1 morning news internal innovative ideas to raise

2015-07-01 08:35:08来源: 亿邦动力网

7月1日早间消息,索尼计划推出一个众筹网站,为员工具有创新性的点子寻求公众的支持。这也将成为索尼CEO平井一夫加强公司创新性计划的一部分。《华尔街日报》援引消息人士的说法称,这一网站名为First Flight,将于本周三上线。目前这一网站将仅仅展示与索尼相关的项目。索尼近期正在解决财务方面的问题,预计将于本财年恢复盈利。不过,包括一些前员工在内,许多人认为,频繁的裁员已经影响了索尼工程师的士气,而索尼的工程师以往曾发明出Walkman和PlayStation等热门产品。作为回应,平井一夫已经启动了多个项目,鼓励创新的理念,包括开展季度竞赛等。他表示,这些创新理念有可能发展成为索尼的主要业务,...

7 month, Sony plans to launch a public website to raise, for employees with innovative ideas to seek public support. This will also become part of the SONY CEO Hirai Yifu to strengthen the company's innovative plan. "The Wall Street journal" quoted sources saying that the site called Flight First, will be on the line on Wednesday. At present, this website will only show the project related to SONY. SONY's recent financial problems, is expected to return to profitability in the fiscal year. However, including some former employees, many people believes that frequent layoffs, has affected the morale of the Sony engineers, and Sony's engineers ever invented the Walkman and Playstation and other popular products. In response, Hirai Yifu has launched a number of projects to encourage the idea of innovation, including the development of quarterly competitions, etc.. He said that these innovative ideas are likely to develop into the main business of SONY,...

标签: 索尼 众筹