新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苹果下一代电子墨水键盘曝光,按键字符可动态切换


Apple's next generation of electronic ink keyboard exposure, dynamically switch characters

2016-10-13 12:32:49来源: TECH2IPO创见

据一名匿名爆料者在 Reddit 上透露,苹果公司正筹备收购一家澳大利亚的创业公司,该公司新研发了一款字符可变的键盘,每个按键内部都有个电子墨水屏,可以根据当前运行的程序切换键盘字符,预计将来将用于苹果 Macbook 等产品。这名曝光者名为 Foxconninsider,他表示自己是在富士康在清华大学举办的创新活动上见到了这款电子墨水键盘的测试原型,暂称为 Mack keyboard。设计这款键盘的公司名为 Sonder,来自澳大利亚,公司注册在香港。据富士康的一名高管,Sonder 公司已被苹果收购,但流程尚未结束。虽然是下一代智能键盘,但并不意味着下一代 Macbook 就会用上。本月末...

According to an anonymous source on Reddit, according to the company are in the process of acquisition of an Australian start-up, the company developed a new character variable of the keyboard, within each key has a e-ink screen, can according to the currently running program switching keyboard characters, is expected in the future will be used for apple Macbook, etc. The exposure is called Foxconninsider, he said he was held in foxconn in tsinghua university on the innovative activities of met this kind of electronic ink keyboard test prototypes, temporarily called Mack the rid_device_info_keyboard. Company called Sonder, the design of the keyboard is from Australia, the company registered in Hong Kong. , according to a senior executive at foxconn Sonder company has acquired by apple, but the process is not over. Although is the next generation intelligent keyboard, but does not mean that the next generation Macbook will use. At the end of this month...

标签: 苹果