新关注 > 信息聚合 > 影视改编游戏热潮持续高涨 《第七子》游戏视频曝光

影视改编游戏热潮持续高涨 《第七子》游戏视频曝光

Film adaptation of gaming boom continued rising "seventh son" video game exposure

2015-01-21 18:03:34来源: 任玩堂

近日魔幻题材影片《第七子:降魔之战》成了人们所瞩目的热门话题,而其同名游戏也开始摩拳擦掌准备与玩家们见面了。以影视内容改编的卡牌 RPG 游戏《第七子》采用了 U3D 引擎打造,将游戏场景与战斗画面都较为华丽。 从游戏率先曝光的视频中我们可以看到它的画面经由引擎处理,将特效和人物表现得...

recently magic theme movie "seventh sons: Devil battle" into the attention of people to the hot topic, and the game of the same name also began to be eager for a fight with the game player ready to meet you. With the content of movie and TV adaptation of the card game RPG "seventh sub" adopts U3D engine build, game scene and battle screen are more gorgeous. From the game the first exposure of the video we can see the picture by engine processing, the effects and characters...

标签: 游戏 视频