新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿伯泰大学游戏专业准留学生获得游戏文化展大奖


Abreu's game at the university of professional students won the game culture exhibition

2018-11-06 00:00:00来源: 人民网

11月3日—11月4日,由可汗游戏大会和WePlay官方联合举办的第二届WePlay游戏文化展在上海举行。与往届不同,本届WePlay游戏文化展同时设立了桌游展区,并开设“纸上游戏设计赛”,以寻找最优秀的桌游设计者。游戏展期间,一支由学生组成的队伍引起了全场的注意,他们是就读于像素种子数字与艺术教育基地(以下简称“像素种子”)的阿伯泰大学游戏开发专业硕士学生,受主办方邀请参加了为期两天的桌游作品展示活动,其原创作品受到了玩家、组委会及桌游出版商的青睐,并分别获得了“最佳玩家选择奖”和“最佳作品呈现奖”两项大奖。 原创桌游作品受青睐,阿伯泰大学游戏开发专业硕士学员收获两项荣誉 据悉,本...

On November 3, on November 4, by khan game assembly and WePlay official jointly organized the second WePlay game culture exhibition was held in Shanghai. Differs from the past, the WePlay culture exhibition game at the same time set up a board game area, and set up "game design on the paper", to find the best board game designers. Game during the exhibition, a team made up of students attracted the attention of the whole, they are studying in the seed pixels digital art and education base (hereinafter referred to as the "seed pixels") game development at the university of abreu's professional master's students, the organizers invited attended a two-day board game works display activities, its original works by the favour of players, the organizing committee and the board game publishers, and won the "best player choice award" and "award for best work" two awards. Original popular board game works, abreu's professional master's students gain two honorary university game development, this...

标签: 游戏