新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为期四天开放六大职业 Cabal2台服10.15测试

为期四天开放六大职业 Cabal2台服10.15测试

For a period of four days open six professional Cabal2 Taifu 10.15 test

2015-10-13 11:22:12来源: 178游戏网

178新游戏频道讯,经典网游《惊天动地》正统续作《Cabal2》台服由OMG游戏公司代理,定名《黑潮来袭》,并将于10月15日开启为期四天的测试,游戏将会开放六大职业供玩家体验。 魔导师:防御薄弱攻击强大的输出职业 弓箭手:使用长弓(枪)进行远距离攻击 盾战士:使用盾牌,坦克...

178 a new game channel news, FB the Cabal2 classic game "earthshaking" sequel by the OMG games company agent, titled "the Kuroshio struck" and on October 15, open for a period of four days of testing, the game will open six career for players to experience. Mage: weak defense attack strong output professional archers: using the longbow (gun) ranged attacks shield Warrior: the use of shields, tanks...