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寅酷手游布局海外开门红 Rocketmobile获《伏魔者..

The cool Mobile Games layout overseas Rocketmobile won the "demon who..

2015-05-11 11:12:54来源: 多玩游戏

4月21日,韩国著名游戏发行商Rocketmobile与上海寅酷网络股份有限公司联合宣布,双方正式达成战略合作合作,Rocketmobile以重金斩获寅酷游戏旗下知名端游IP《伏魔者》的同名暗黑系动作手游韩国地区独家代理权。 Rocketmobile是Liveplex的子公司,有着多...

4 21, the famous Korean game publisher Rocketmobile and Shanghai Yin cool Network Inc jointly announced, the two sides officially reached a strategic cooperation, exclusive rights to the Rocketmobile name Diablo series action Mobile Games heavily gains cool game Yin's famous" demon who IP the end of the tour "the area of South korea. Rocketmobile is a subsidiary of Liveplex, there are many...

标签: 手游