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传说归来 《圣斗士星矢-小宇宙幻想传》今日开启安卓测试

Return "biography of saint seiya - small fantasy universe open android test today

2017-11-01 10:55:20来源: 任玩堂

由东映动画正版授权,BANDAI NAMCO制作,SEGA开发,巨人网络发行的经典动漫IP手游《圣斗士星矢-小宇宙幻想传》,于11月1日正式开启安卓测试,玩家可以前往官网下载游戏,或是通过各大安卓渠道体验游戏,重现每一个人儿时记忆中的那份热血和感动。《圣斗士星矢-小宇宙幻想传》中场景画面、角色造型、故事剧情完全还原你的儿时回忆,不但收录有动画主题歌《天马座的幻想》,在游戏剧情章节中使用动画原作场面,更有豪华的原作声优阵容演出。另一方面,游戏将以3D动作画面重新演绎原作中华丽的必杀技,更完全收录原作动画中圣斗士、海斗士、冥斗士甚至是神祗等经典角色,在你的操控下共闯圣域、决战海底神殿、突入极乐净土...

By toei animation legal authorization, BANDAI NAMCO, SEGA development, giant online issue of the classic cartoon IP mobile game "biography of saint seiya - small fantasy universe, officially opened on November 1, the android test, players can go to website to download the game, or by Dan an eminent channels experience game, repeat every portion of the blood in one's childhood memories and moved. In the biography of saint seiya - small fantasy universe scene images, role modelling, story completely restore your childhood memories, not only with animation theme song the illusion of pegasus, using the original animation scene in the video game section, more luxurious original making team performance. On the other hand, the game will be in 3 d motion to deduce the original , more fully included in the original animation Crusades, sea fighter, ghost warriors, and even gods such classic role, under your control total rush of sanctuary, battle sea temple, pure land into bliss...

标签: 安卓