新关注 > 信息聚合 > 竟然还有嫦娥时装!《街头篮球》新版带你飞


Unexpectedly and Chang fashion! "Street basketball" new you fly

2015-09-24 09:40:28来源: 17173

9月24日《街头篮球》全新版本“暗黑斗士”现已火热上线,弑神战队特殊角色隆重登场,个人啦啦队限时购全民福利,守护金库得好礼,砸金元宝惊喜多多,幸运礼盒对对碰活动独赢百万代金券,徽记卡强化系统强势来袭,更有稀有道具展示框以及新手能力智能评估,这个国庆爽翻天,《街头篮球》全新版本带你飞。 ...

9 24 "street basketball" a new version of "the dark warrior" is now the hot line, deicide Corps special role of grand debut, personal cheerleaders limit purchase national welfare, guarding vaults have manners, gold surprise hit a lot, lucky gift box on colliding activities alone won million vouchers, emblem of intensive system strong incoming, more rare props display box and novice ability and intelligence assessment, the national day cool earthshaking, a new version of the "street basketball" take you to fly. ...