新关注 > 信息聚合 > PSV的美好年代(上)【VG聊天室215】


The Good Age of PSV (I) [VG Chat Room 215]

2019-04-12 11:08:17来源: 游戏时光

VG聊天室已登录各大FM平台,本期节目链接:喜马拉雅FM|荔枝|听伴|B站|网易云音乐|歌单往期节目:GB和GBA的美好年代 PSP的美好年代 NDS的美好年代 街机厅的美好年代PlayStation Vita已经正式停产,又一台游戏机的时代结束了。PSV这一路走来也是颇多坎坷,但境遇先放一边,它确实是一台美丽强大的掌机,也确实给我们带来了一段段美好的游戏时光。一起来回忆属于它的美好年代吧。参与人:雷电、大力、六段音速、猫村ノ村長歌单:平田志穂子 - Shadow World(《女神异闻录4G》)、工藤吉三 - 猫会暮集(《胧村正》)、田中公平 - ジュシュレ イ...

VG chat rooms have been registered on major FM platforms. Links to this episode are: Himalayan FM | Litchi | Audience Partner | B Station | NetEasy Cloud Music | Song Sheet Previous Programs: Good Age of G B and GBA & nbsp; Good Age of PSP & nbsp; Good Age of NDS & nbsp; PlayStation Vita of Street Hall has officially stopped production, and the era of another game machine is over. PSV has many ups and downs along the way, but put aside the situation, it is a beautiful and powerful handset, and it does bring us a good game time. Let's recall the good times that belong to it. Participants: Lightning, Vigorous, Six Sound Speed, Mao Village Chief Song Sheet: Hirata Zhiji-Shadow World ("Goddess Mystery Record 4G"), Goto Jisan-Mao Huidui Collection ("Yoshimura Zheng"), Tanaka Fair-Takashi ("Yoshimura Zheng"), Mao Village Chief Song Sheet.

标签: PS