新关注 > 信息聚合 > 卡普空公布便携式家用街机 包含16款经典游戏

卡普空公布便携式家用街机 包含16款经典游戏

Capcom announced that the portable home arcade contains 16 classic games

2019-04-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

4月17日,卡普空公布了旗下家用街机,这是一款即插即用的便携式街机。 卡普空家用街机将于10月25日在欧洲地区推出,目前官方已开启预购,售价229.99欧元(约1741元人民币),包含16款卡普空经典街机游戏。美版街机将在日后公布。 卡普空家用街机16款经典游戏包含: -《1944:征服世界》 -《异形大战铁血战士》 -《装甲战士》 -《卡普空运动俱乐部》 -《名将》 -《装甲战士:全金属狂潮》 -《恶魔战士:午夜斗士》 -《环保战士》 -《快打旋风》 -《大魔界村》 -《雷鸟之翼》 -《洛克人:力量对决》 -《能源之岚》 -《街头霸王2:究极格斗》 -《出击飞龙》 -《超级方块战士2:加速版》

On April 17, Capcom unveiled its home streetcar, a plug-and-play portable streetcar. Kapkon Household Street Arcade will be launched in Europe on October 25. Officials have opened a pre-order price of 229.99 euros (about 1,741 yuan), including 16 classic Kapkon arcade games. The American version of the arcade will be announced in the future. The 16 classic games of Kapkon Household Street Aircraft include: 1944: Conquering the World - "Alien Warrior" - "Iron Bloody Soldier" - "Armored Soldier" - "Kapkon Sports Club" - "Celebrity General" - "Armored Soldier: All Metal Tide" - "Devil Soldier: Midnight Fighter" - "Environmental Protection Soldier" - "Quick Tornado" - "Big Devil Village" - "Thunderbird Wing" - "Rock". Man: Power Fighting - "Lan of Energy" - "Street Tyrant 2: Great Fighting" - "Flying Dragon" - "Super Block Soldier 2: Accelerated Edition"

标签: 游戏