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4399首发 《雷电战机2015(pk版)》今日火爆上线

4399 first episode "Raiden fighters 2015 (PK version)" today's hot line new Mobile Games

2015-02-12 17:36:29来源: 4399

由华乐互动倾力打造的全新手游大作《雷电战机2015(pk版)》今天正式上线啦!多元化的元素、丰富的剧情都将让你体验不一样的激情快感! 《雷电战机2015(pk版)》是由合肥华乐互动倾力打造的手游大作。四大核心战机,多种BOSS,多种形态,华丽弹幕,酷炫装备,强劲暴走,演绎别样星海激情。...

by Chinese music interactive to create a masterpiece "Raiden fighters 2015 (PK version)" today officially launched! Rich and diverse elements, the story will let you do not experience the same passion pleasure! "Raiden fighters 2015 (PK version)" by Hefei Huale interaction to create Mobile Games masterpiece. Four big core fighter, a variety of BOSS, a variety of forms, gorgeous barrage, cool equipment, strong go ballistic, presents a special Xinghai passion. ...