新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本独立手游《酒馆勇士》第一季度上线 以三消迎战硬核幻想RPG

日本独立手游《酒馆勇士》第一季度上线 以三消迎战硬核幻想RPG

Japan's independent mobile game in the first quarter of the tavern warrior With three types of diabetes play hardcore fantasy RPG

2017-01-17 18:04:43来源: 任玩堂

由日本独立游戏团队 WOMBO COMBO GAMES 制作的三消主题 RPG 手游 Tavern Guardians《酒馆勇士》近日宣布参加台北国际电玩展,游戏已经入围了该游戏展举办的 Indie Game Award 决赛,可以看出游戏本身还是有一定的实力,那么这款作品有哪些魅力之处呢?下面就来通过官方演示视频了解一下吧。虽说游戏的核心玩法是传统的三消类型,不过通过演示视频可以看出,其 RPG 元素也是比较硬核向,毕竟单纯消除场景中的道具(方块)不是游戏的主要目的,如何利用消除的影响来消灭同场的敌人才是玩家要做的事情。游戏中玩家要保护酒馆免受敌人的入侵,期间你可以借用圣骑士、法师、枪手以及...

Independent GAMES by Japan team WOMBO COMBO GAMES made of three types of diabetes theme RPG mobile Game Tavern Guardians has announced the Tavern warrior in Taipei international Game, Game has been shortlisted for the exhibition at the Indie Game Award final, you can see the Game itself is a certain strength, so what's the charm of this kind of work? Here is to learn from the official demo video. Although the core of the game play is one of the traditional type of three types of diabetes, but can be seen through the demonstration video, also be more hardcore to the RPG elements, after all, simply remove scene props (square) is not the main purpose of the game, how to take advantage of eliminating the influence of line up to eliminate the enemy is the player to do. To protect the tavern game, the player from the enemy's invasion, you can borrow the paladin and mage, during the gunners and...

标签: 手游