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三顾茅庐!兰德里扮诸葛亮出山 投壶命中率太惨

Highlighting. Landry dress up as Zhuge Liang reinstated cast pot hit rate too miserable LAN

2015-06-21 19:19:29来源: 新浪

兰德里扮演诸葛亮 新浪体育讯 北京时间6月21日,匹克球星卡尔-兰德里[微博]中国行活动继续在襄阳展开。上午神鸟来到湖北文理学院和这里的师生交流互动,并为匹克3X3篮球冠军赛开幕助阵。 襄阳作为历史文化名城,曾是诸葛亮隐居的地方,15岁时诸葛亮随叔父依附刘表,开始了在隆中(今湖北...

Delhi plays Zhuge Liang of sina sports news Beijing time on June 21, the Olympic Star Carl - Landry [microblogging] activities in China continue to unfold in Xiangyang. The morning bird came to the Hubei College of Arts and Sciences and the teacher-student interaction, and help out for the opening Peak 3X3 basketball championship. Xiangyang as a historical and cultural city, was where Zhuge Liang seclusion, at the age of 15, Zhuge Liang with his uncle attachment Liu Biao, began in Longzhong (now Hubei...