育碧宣布将参展2019年ChinaJoy展会,携旗下众多品牌亮相,除了包括《幽灵行动:断点》《冠军冲刺》《全境封锁2》《纪元1800》《魔法门之英雄无敌:王朝》以及两款VR游戏《疯狂兔子:穿山越岭》《穿越美杜莎之门》之外,还将有一款完全由育碧中国工作室打造的全新《疯狂兔子》系列游戏亮相。此外,玩家们将迎接挑战并争夺“育用舞王”,或是登上舞台在诸如《英灵乱战》《特技摩托:崛起》《飙酷车神2》以及微信小游戏等竞赛中挑战。育碧将为玩家们带来现场表演和演出。育碧首席执行官兼联合创始人Yves Guillemot也将来到现场解答玩家们的问题。在Chinajoy期间,玩家还可以前往育碧官方直播间收看所有的...
Yubi announces that it will participate in the China Joy Expo in 2019, with many brands appearing, including "Ghost Action: Breakpoint", "Champion Sprint", "Blockade 2", "Age 1800", "Heroes of Magic Gate: Dynasty", "Crazy Rabbit: Crossing Mountains" and "Crossing the Gate of Medusa", as well as two VR games, "Crazy Rabbit: Crossing Mountains", "Crossing the Gate of Medusa". There will be a new series of "Crazy Rabbit" games created by Ubisoft China Studio. In addition, players will meet the challenge and compete for the "Educational Dance King", or be on the stage to challenge in competitions such as "Battle of the Elves", "Stunt Motorcycle: Rise", "Dragon God 2" and Wechat games. Ubisoft will bring live performances and performances to players. Yves Guillemot, chief executive and co-founder of Ubisoft, will also be here to answer the players'questions. During Chinajoy, players can also go to the official live broadcasting studio of Ubisoft to watch all of the _________.