万代南宫梦宣布将于今年夏季发售《境界触发者》的PSV团队合作和对战游戏《境界触发者 BORDERLESS MISSION》。虽然现在游戏的价格和CERO分级的具体情况尚未公布,不过第1段宣传片已经在官网曝光,从中可以看到大量游戏画面。现在就让我们来先睹为快吧。 PSV ita「ワール...
Bandai Nangong dream team announced that PSV will be available in the summer "trigger" realm and game "BORDERLESS MISSION" trigger level. Although a specific price and CERO classification of the game has not been announced, but the first trailer has been in the official website of exposure, from which you can see a picture of the game. Now let's be all eagerness to see it. PSV ITA YouTube Videos. Thus...