新关注 > 信息聚合 > 灵异游戏公司用VR技术代替灵媒的工作


The game company using VR technology instead of working medium

2015-04-24 14:01:35来源: 太平洋游戏网

ELYSIUM项目是澳大利亚“灵异游戏”工作室正在研发的一款VR游戏,在游戏当中,用户可以与死去的亲人再次相聚,不知道这算是关怀,还是刺激? 这款游戏主要针对的设备是Oculus VR Jam 2015,承诺要给用户一种“基于VR的私人定制天堂生活,与过世的亲人感动相见”。工作室还特...

ELYSIUM project is the Australian "video game" studio is developing a VR game, in the game, the user can relatives and die again, don't know if this is a concern, but also stimulate the game? Mainly for the equipment is the Oculus VR Jam 2015, promised to give the user a "private custom paradise based on VR, and deceased relatives moved to meet". The studio also...

标签: 游戏 VR