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变身RMB战士 《小小三国志》VIP系统成就大土豪

Turned RMB soldiers "small history of the Three Kingdoms" VIP system achievements of the great tyrant

2015-06-15 13:26:26来源: 不凡游戏网

天拓游戏自研并独立运营手游《小小三国志》为你定制豪华VIP系统!走过路过的各位主公们千万不要错过,《小小三国志》VIP系统大放价,不要2000,不要998,只要充值6元就能成为豪华VIP会员!从此扫荡令任你拿,军令任你买买买,还有充值天天送大礼,这6元,花得绝对物超所值! 在游戏世界中...

self-study and independent hand tour operators "little romance of the Three Kingdoms" for you to customize the luxury VIP system. Through the tetrarch passing you have don't miss, "small history of the Three Kingdoms" VIP system puts price, not 2000, don't 998, as long as the recharge six yuan will be able to become a luxury VIP membership. From mopping up to let you take, the military orders you to buy, buy, buy, and recharge every day to send a gift, the 6 yuan, spend the absolute value for money! In the game world...