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梦幻西游手游师徒系统攻略 顶级出师奖励如何获得

Fantasy Westward Journey tour mentoring system Raiders top apprenticeship incentives to get

2015-06-17 14:39:36来源: 科技讯

梦幻西游手游最近加入的师徒系统,可谓是新手小号玩家的福音。现在拜师之后,完成师徒任务双方均有奖励,而且出师成绩的引入,让小伙伴们再也不愁没有人带啦!那么怎样才能够在在出师奖励中拿到最顶级的奖励呢?和狸子一起来看看吧! 【科技讯】6月17日消息,梦幻西游手游最近加入的师徒系统,可谓是新...

Fantasy Westward Journey tour recently joined the mentoring system, can be described as a novice trumpet player of the gospel. Now after the apprentice to complete mentoring task both parties incentives and apprenticeship achievement are introduced, let small partners no longer have to worry about no one band!! so how can in get the top award in the apprenticeship award? Raccoon dog and together and see it! [technology news] news on June 17, Fantasy Westward Journey tour recently joined the mentoring system, can be described as a new...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游