新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《火炬之光2》将登陆三大主机平台 9月3日发售

《火炬之光2》将登陆三大主机平台 9月3日发售

"Light of the Torch 2" will be launched on September 3 on three main platforms

2019-06-13 11:36:50来源: 游戏时光

最早于2012年发售的《火炬之光2》在当时获得了不错的反响,很多玩家将其称为“暗黑继承者”。时至今日,这款颇受好评的“刷刷刷”也要登录主机了:本作开发商 Runic Games 决定与另一家工作室 Panic Button 合作,将《火炬之光2》带到 PS4、Xbox One 以及 Switch 平台。 视频地址登陆新平台的《火炬之光2》将会针对手柄操作进行优化,游戏 UI 也会发生改变,Runic Games 称改变后的操作和UI将会极大的改善玩家在主机平台上的体验。除了操作和 UI,游戏中玩家还可以获取全新的成就以及奖杯,主机版也会有全新的宠物随从等新内容。《火炬之光2》将于9月3日登陆P...

Torch Light 2, which was first released in 2012, received a good response at that time, and many players called it the "Dark Successor". Today, Runic Games, a well-received brush and brush, has decided to work with Panic Button, another studio, to bring Torch Light 2 to PS4, Xbox One and Switch platforms. "Torch Light 2" will be optimized for handle operation and game UI will change. Runic Games said that the changed operation and UI will greatly improve the player's experience on the host platform. In addition to operation and UI, players can also get new achievements and trophies in the game, and the host version will also have new pet followers and other new content. "Light of the Torch 2" will be landed on September 3 at P.