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中国守望先锋解说盘点 你期待的OC线下赛解说是哪位

China's watchdog pioneer explains why you are looking forward to the OC line commentary.

2018-05-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《守望先锋》国服自从2016年5月上线,不知不觉已经过去了两年。伴随玩家的热爱以及电竞行业的发展,守望先锋电竞体系也在逐步形成。而电竞赛事最重要组成部分,也是必不可少的则是解说。因为解说不仅能够向玩家传递赛事进度,还能够调动观众热情,让玩家有一个更好的观赛体验。 尽管国内守望圈的解说团队起步较慢,但在暴雪以及网易CC直播等平台的大力培养下,也是形成了稳定的守望先锋中文解说团队。现在就让小编来盘点一下,目前活跃在赛场上的有哪些解说。 NO.1 赤小兔——颜值和实力兼备的解说 赤小兔最早是因为小美COS在守望圈中走红,但因为她的技术也不错,所以也引发了玩家的高度关注,因此也频繁地出现在...

It has been two years since we went on line in May 2016. With the love of the players and the development of the electronic competition industry, watching the vanguard competition system is gradually taking shape. The most important part of the competition is the commentary. Because commentary can not only convey the progress of events to the players, but also arouse the enthusiasm of the audience, so that players can have a better experience of watching matches. In spite of the slow start of the commentary team in the domestic watch circle, it has also formed a stable watchdog pioneer Chinese interpretation team under the vigorous cultivation of Blizzard and the NetEase CC broadcast platform. Now let Xiaobian take a look at the current active in the arena of what commentary. NO.1 red rabbit - Yan value and the strength of the interpretation of the first red rabbit is the first because of the little American COS in the watch circle, but because her technology is also good, so also caused the high attention of the players, so also frequently appeared in the...

标签: 守望先锋