新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《宝可梦GO》开发商起诉「魔改」游戏客户端的组织


The developer of Baoke Dream GO sued the organization of the game client.

2019-06-17 09:46:43来源: 游戏时光

Niantic 开发的《宝可梦 GO》《Ingress》都广受玩家欢迎,但与此同时,也出现了许多「魔改」版本。魔改版本的游戏客户端能令玩家获得一些其他玩家得不到的优势,比如自动绕圈孵化宝可梦、欺骗 GPS 等。而现在,Niantic 要对始作俑者诉诸法律了。据外媒报道,Niantic 已经正式对一个名为「Global++」的组织提起诉讼。按照 Niantic 的说法,Global++ 制作并发布了多款「未经授权的衍生版本」应用程序,包括《宝可梦 GO》《Ingress》。Niantic 认为,这些名为《宝可梦 GO++》《Ingress++》的应用,给部分用户带来了不公平的优势,同时也侵犯了 ...

Niantic's "Baoke Dream GO" and "Ingress" are popular with players, but at the same time, there are also many "demonic" versions. Modified version of the game client can give players some advantages that other players can not get, such as automatic circle incubation Baoke Dream, cheating GPS, etc. Now, Niantic has to resort to law against the original perpetrators. According to foreign media reports, Niantic has formally filed a lawsuit against an organization called Global++. According to Niantic, Global++ has produced and released a number of "unauthorized derivative" applications, including "Baoke Dream GO" and "Ingress". According to Niantic, these applications, called "Baoke Dream GO++" and "Ingress++", have brought unfair advantages to some users, but also infringed upon..

标签: 游戏