新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江湖有女完美演绎 九阴同人曲《九阴·无央》

江湖有女完美演绎 九阴同人曲《九阴·无央》

Rivers and lakes have a female perfect interpretation of nine yins fan song "nine yins, no central"

2015-06-29 18:26:59来源: 天极网

都说一入江湖,再难回首,却还是有很多人义无反顾的踏入这条不归路。只是到了最后,江湖依旧,人却不知去向何处。悠扬而又忧郁的曲调。沉醉却又无法自拔。仿佛梦境一般美好,却无从追寻其踪迹。想念那么一个人,君却已然不在身旁,仿佛隔了一个国度。 http://www.xiami.com/song...

say a into the political arena, hard to look back, but there are still many people hesitate to step into the point of no return. Just at the end of the day, the arena still, but disappear without a trace of where. The melodious melody and melancholy. Drunk but unable to extricate themselves. As if the dream is beautiful, but no trace of its. Miss so a person, you are not in the side, as if a country. Http://www.xiami.com/song...