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《地平线:黎明时分》无多人模式 专注单人体验

The horizon: Dawn "no multiplayer mode attention as a single player experience

2015-07-10 12:48:43来源: 逗游网

《杀戮地带》的开发商Guerrilla Games近日正在筹备旗下新的IP《地平线:黎明时分(Horizon:Zero Dawn)》,本作看起来不错,以及可能会有一些令人难以 置信的游戏玩法——看起来Guerrilla Games准备要开始大干一场了。 但是本作和多年以前就公布的《杀...

the Killzone the developer guerrilla games recently is preparing for its new IP the horizon: at dawn (Horizon:Zero dawn)". This looks good, and may there will be some incredible gameplay - looks like guerrilla games to start a big fight the. But this is a "kill", and many years ago...