新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄联盟联赛范雨彤到场助阵PYL、霸气回应粉不动滚


Hero union league Fan Yutong presence PYL, domineering response powder rolling

2017-08-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

8月10日备受关注的英雄联盟职业联赛在上海正大广场拉开序幕,此前关注PYL的演员范雨彤现身比赛现场为PYL助阵。 晚些十分范雨彤微博也证实了的确到场观看英雄联盟职业联赛,看来范雨彤也是PYL的铁杆粉丝呀。 此次英雄联盟职业联赛PYL战队最终以0比2失利,在场的粉丝以及粉丝群怨声载道,看到这样的情景,范雨彤霸气回击:粉不动滚,可谓是语出惊人,顿时引起多个粉丝群轰动。这么直率的演员姐姐再一次博得关注,圈粉无数。 哎真想说PYL能遇到这样霸气的粉丝演员姐姐实属难得,下一场比赛可不要失利哟!

On August 10, high-profile hero league professional football league in Shanghai zhengda plaza, the attention of PYL actor Fan Yutong appeared to PYL. Very late Fan Yutong weibo also confirmed that indeed came to watch the hero alliance professional league, it seems Fan Yutong is also a huge fan of PYL ah. The professional league hero alliance PYL team eventually lost 2-0, the fans and the fan base was full of complaints, see this scene, Fan Yutong swagger back: powder rolling, is amazing, immediately caused more stir fan base. So outspoken actor sister attention again and circle powder. PYL ah really want to say to meet this fan actor sister is rare, don't lost the next match!

标签: 英雄联盟