新关注 > 信息聚合 > CD PROJEKT RED首届中国玩家见面会要来了

CD PROJEKT RED首届中国玩家见面会要来了

CD PROJEKT RED First Chinese Player Meeting is coming

2019-07-16 08:48:24来源: 游戏时光

CD PROJEKT在昨晚宣布将于8月2日举办首次CD PROJEKT RED中国玩家见面会,届时会有工作室开发人员莅临见面会现场和大家“促膝谈心”,还会有许多惊喜等着大家。 尽管尚未确定见面会是在哪个城市举办,不过CD PROJEKT承诺未来“会在全国各地举办各式各样的活动”,所以即使错过本次见面会也不必太过失落。本次见面会为邀请函制,玩家可以参与#你是夜之城的V# 作品征集活动来赢取见面会的机会。活动具体说明如下:需要说明的是,本次活动CD PROJEKT RED“并不承担食宿,交通和差旅等费用”,且“获CD PROJEKT RED邀请参加见面会的玩家,须凭个人信息参...

CD PROJEKT announced last night that it will hold the first CD PROJEKT RED Chinese players'meeting on August 2, when studio developers will come to the meeting site and have a "heart-to-heart talk" with you, and there will be many surprises waiting for you. & nbsp; & nbsp; Although it is not yet certain which city the meeting will be held in, CD PROJEKT promises that in the future it will "hold all kinds of activities all over the country", so it is not too disappointing to miss the meeting. This meeting is an invitation letter system. Players can take part in the collection of works of The activities are as follows: It should be noted that CD PROJEKT RED "does not bear the cost of accommodation, transportation and travel" and "players invited by CD PROJEKT RED to participate in the meeting must rely on personal information to participate in the meeting.

标签: 玩家