新关注 > 信息聚合 > 追求极致不妥协 莉莉丝游戏连发6款新游外加1个彩蛋

追求极致不妥协 莉莉丝游戏连发6款新游外加1个彩蛋

Pursue perfection not compromise lilith dodgers game 6 XinYou plus 1 egg

2016-09-09 16:58:14来源: 新浪

2016年9月8日,中国知名手游《刀塔传奇》的开发商莉莉丝游戏,在北京中国电影导演中心举行了2016新游发布会。这是既《刀塔传奇》获得成功后,莉莉丝游戏低调三年的再次发声。发布会上发布了多款画面精美,玩法新颖的手机游戏,其中不乏自研数年的游戏大作。 低调三年之后,莉莉丝游戏究竟放出了...

On September 8, 2016, China's famous tour "knife tower legend" hand developers lilith games, held in the center of the Beijing Chinese film director XinYou conference 2016. This is the knife tower legend "after the success, lilith game again three years of low voice. Conference issued many exquisite images, style novel mobile phone games, games including the research for several years. Three years after the low-key, lilith games are released...

标签: 游戏