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"Rainbow six: siege" new hidden black eggs

2018-11-25 19:26:31来源: 游戏时光

近日,《彩虹六号:围攻》体验服的玩家在游玩新地图“堡垒”时,发现了一个隐藏的黑暗之魂彩蛋,从视频中可以看到详细的触发方法。 往壁炉里面扔进一个小车,然后打开小车的摄像头,发现壁炉的火焰中插着一把剑,马上让人联想到黑暗之魂中经典的“篝火剑”。《彩虹六号:围攻》新赛季“风城行动”将于今年12月更新,届时大家可以自己找一下这个小彩蛋了。来源:Reddit

Recently, the "rainbow six: siege" experience serving players in play new map "fortress", found a hidden dark spirit of eggs, can be seen in the video trigger method in detail. & have spent & have spent & have spent To throw into a fireplace inside the car, and then open the car camera, found that the flame in the fireplace with a sword, reminiscent of the dark immediately in the spirit of classic "fire sword". Rainbow six: siege "windy city" the new season will be updated in December, then everyone can find their own once the little egg. Source: Reddit