新关注 > 信息聚合 > TI5正赛第五日:中国荣耀的一天!CDEC.Xz最佳


TI5 is on the fifth day of the race: the day of the glory of china! CDEC.Xz best

2015-08-08 15:59:28来源: 超级玩家

北京时间8月8日凌晨,2015国际邀请赛正赛已经到了最后时刻。在今天的比赛中,已经决出了本届国际邀请赛前三的队伍,且前四名已经确定有三支中国队伍,为了最后的荣誉,他们必将拼尽全力! 【VP对阵LGD——中国军团的实力】 LGD在遭遇CDEC后掉入败者组,但是他们的实力毋庸置疑。今...

Beijing on August 8th morning, the 2015 international invitational tournament has come to the last moment. In today's game, has decided the current international invitation game three of the team and the top four has identified three Chinese teams and to the honor, they will fight best! [against LGD VP, Chinese Legion strength] LGD in encounter CDEC fall into the group of losers, but their strength is beyond doubt. This...