新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我叫MT3电脑版惊喜上线,手游部落安卓模拟器测评


My name is MT3 computer version online, surprise tribal android mobile game simulator

2016-04-29 20:33:45来源: 不凡游戏网

我叫MT3电脑版于4月28日正式开启删档测试,下面手游部落小编给大家带来我叫MT3电脑版测评!作为“我叫MT”黄金IP的经典延续,《我叫MT3》完全不同于前两部作品的卡牌类型,传统卡牌变身回合新经典,全新的画风几近饱满的剧情更好的重现了动漫带给我们的回忆。 有小伙伴肯定希望跟小编一样能...

My name is MT3 computer version officially opened on April 28 delete file test, mobile game tribal below small make up bring me call the MT3 computer version of the evaluation. As "I'm MT" gold IP classic continued, "my name is MT3" card type is completely different from the first two works, the traditional card turns into a round of new classic, the new painting style is almost the full story better reconstructed the anime to our memories. A friend must hope like small make up...

标签: 手游 安卓