新关注 > 信息聚合 > 脑洞大开《冒险之光》明日双平台嘻哈上线 游戏玩..

脑洞大开《冒险之光》明日双平台嘻哈上线 游戏玩..

Brain hole wide open, "Light of Adventure" dual-platform hip hop tomorrow on-line game play ..

2016-01-12 16:33:31来源: 4399


Wink Emperor Jinguan Chang (Choi Sung-kuk) endorsement of Q version Meng Department horizontal clearance version of the action hand tour "Adventure of Light" will be held on January 13 Funny line. As a spokesperson Jinguan Zhang will also be installed for wearing savage "Adventure of light" beating the drums of various brain-hole wide open innovative gameplay, the President of the General Assembly to speak of Q Meng wizard, delicate gorgeous picture of the game and so wonderful content, waiting for you to experience! Next Xiaobian take a look at such a full ...

标签: 游戏