新关注 > 信息聚合 > 横版MOBA《超维宇宙》韩服4月20日最终封测


Horizontal version MOBA super dimensional universe "han2 fu2 on April 20, the final testing

2016-04-05 15:50:21来源: 178游戏网

昨日,韩国Nexon宣布旗下代理网游《超维宇宙》(HYPER UNIVERSE)将在4月20日开启最终封测,为期5天,24日结束测试。目前,官方已经在招募测试玩家,并放出了终测宣传片。 据悉,本次封测的目的在于测试游戏的平衡性和服务器的安全性,而在测试结束之后,官方也表示将争取在最短...

Nexon yesterday, South Korea announced its agent online super dimensional UNIVERSE "(the HYPER UNIVERSE) will open on April 20, the final testing, five days, 24, end the test. At present, the official has been in recruiting test players, and release the final promotion. It is understood that the purpose of this testing is to test the game balance and server security, and after the end of the test, the official also said he will fight for as soon as possible...