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DNF魔界裂缝详细打法 魔界裂缝BOSS打法大全

DNF crack ma play in detail The underworld BOSS dozen books

2017-02-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

发现好多装备不好的小伙伴们不知道怎么打裂缝,下面为大家带来魔界裂缝BOSS打法大全。 进图小怪伤害很小的,几乎可以无视,被红色的小怪打到会进入混乱状态(左右方向对调,上下同理)。 第一个绿名 怪防御高,只懂得耍拳,和火山的全能boss差不多,唯一不同的是闪白色的时候是无敌的,全能boss闪白色的时候是破防的,没有什么技巧,装备不好只能错位输出(站在绿名怪的Y轴上),几乎可以不磕药就能过了。 第二个绿名 怪防御不高,伤害技能类型多,分类讲一下 1、陨石砸地 这个伤害我觉得几乎可以忽略,砸到都没什么事,我觉得砸到还更好,因为容易打掉。 2、陨石变毒沼泽 陨石一定要打掉!不然...

Found a lot of equipment is not good friends don't know how to play the cracks, the cracks from the underworld BOSS dozen books for everyone. Into figure little strange injuries so small that it can be ignored, be little red monster hit to into chaos (switch left and right, up and down in the same way). The first green, Strange high defense, understand only play boxing, and universal boss is the same as the volcano, the only difference was a flash of white is invincible, universal boss flash of white is broken, no skills, equipment not only displacement output (standing in the green monster on the Y axis), almost can not doping can lead. The second green, Defense is not high, damage skills type, tell me the 1, meteorite hit to classification This hurt I feel almost negligible, hit it's nothing, I think hit are better, because of easy to abort. 2, meteorites poison swamp Meteorites must abort! Or else...

标签: DNF