新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《限界凸起 萌情水晶》公开通关后新要素 怪物娘..

《限界凸起 萌情水晶》公开通关后新要素 怪物娘..

The bounded convex Meng love crystal "public clearance after new elements monster Niang..

2015-09-08 10:18:59来源: 电玩巴士

PSV绅士迷宫RPG新作《限界凸起 萌情水晶》公开了一个新要素“百人斩触摸”。这是一个当游戏通关之后新增的附加游玩要素,玩家需要连续触摸100名怪物娘并让她们兴奋,最终比拼总共消耗的时间。在游戏发售之前可要好好锻炼自己的右手啊…… 本作预定于9月25日正式发售,部分日媒已经拿到了游戏...

PSV gentleman maze RPG new" bounded convex Meng love crystal "discloses a new element of" 100 people to cut touch ". This is a when the game after the new additions to the additional gameplay elements, players need to touch 100 consecutive monster and let them excited, the final competition in a total of time. You can exercise your right hand before the game is released...... The book is scheduled for September 25th officially on sale, some Japanese media have got the game...