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《怪物猎人 世界》测试心得分享,这次的新要素有点多

"Monster hunter world" share test result, the new element is a little bit more

2017-12-10 12:06:52来源: 游戏时光

《怪物猎人 世界》β测试已经于2017年12月10日开始,在游玩过程中大家可能会碰到不少疑问,本文会针对一些可能存在的问题作出解答,也欢迎各位新老猎人在评论中补充。TIPS(持续更新)打开生态地图(按触摸板)时,可以把摇杆移动到对应的事物,比如怪物、队友身上,然后按R3来锁定对象,之后导虫会引导你寻找这些事物。在经过地图上某些事物之后,游戏会提示你按下○,之后会触发特定行动。发现怪物的足迹/爪印等痕迹之后,按○之后可以收集它们的生态,之后导虫会引导你找到这些怪物的所在地。投射器默认没有弹药,要在地图上拾取弹药,或者使用支给品装填(体验版有麻痹小刀×5,毒小刀×5),收刀时按下L2瞄准...

"Monster hunter & have spent world" beta test has been started on December 10, 2017, in the process of play you may encounter a lot of questions, this article will answer for some possible problems and also welcome new and old hunter in the comments added. Continuous update (TIPS), opened the ecological map (by touch pad), can move the joystick to the corresponding things, such as monsters, teammate, and then according to the R3 to lock objects, after the guide will guide you to look for these things. After some things on the map, the game will prompt you to press the author, after will trigger specific actions. Paw prints were found footprints of monster/after mark, according to the author after can collect their ecological, after the seat of the guide will guide you to find the monster. Projector default without ammunition, to pick up ammunition on the map, or use the product packing (experience version has paralyzed the knife x5, poison knife (5), when you receive a knife press L2 aim...

标签: 怪物猎人