新关注 > 信息聚合 > CF《女神计划》上线 万元奖金助阵电竞女神

CF《女神计划》上线 万元奖金助阵电竞女神

CF goddess plan on line million bonus to help the goddess of competition

2017-10-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

CF《女神计划》(即CFGirl)活动已经正式上线啦!只要您拥有CF账号,年满18岁,并且是热爱CF的女性玩家,均可报名参与本次活动!最给力的现金大奖!最让人心动的培训机会!就差你了! 报名时间:2017年10月13日-10月30日 本活动分为“海选-32强-8强-总决赛”四个阶段,经过亿万火线玩家投票,最终胜出的8强选手将进入全国总决赛。官方将为8强选手提供专业的培训,同时提供参与线下真人秀节目录制机会!并且最终进入巅峰总决赛的优胜CFGIRL将获得丰厚的现金奖励,还有机会与官方签约,成为下一任的CF电竞形象大使! 人生得意须尽欢呐!这么好的机会,各位热爱CF的妹子们还在犹豫...

CF the goddess plan (CFGirl) has been officially launched. As long as you have CF account, you are over 18 years old, and you are a female player who loves CF. You can sign up for this event. The most awesome cash prizes! The most exciting training opportunity! Everything is waiting for you! Registration time: October 13, 2017 -10 month 30 Japan activities are divided into "-32 strong -8 strong - finals" four stages, through hundreds of millions of fire line players vote, the final win of the top 8 players will enter the national finals. The official will provide professional training for the top 8 players, and provide the opportunity to participate in reality TV shows. And the final winner of the finals CFGIRL will get rich cash rewards, and the opportunity to sign with the official, to become the next CF competitive image ambassador! The happiness of life must be done! Such a good opportunity, you love CF's sisters are still hesitant.

标签: 电竞 CF