新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《英雄联盟》2017全球总决赛八强分组和赛程公布


"Hero alliance" 2017 global finals last eight grouping and schedule

2017-10-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

人民网北京10月16日电 《英雄联盟》2017全球总决赛小组赛于10月15日晚间在武汉体育中心体育馆结束,经过8个比赛日的激烈角逐,SKT、LZ、RNG、WE、C9、FNC、SSG、MSF最终从四个小组当中胜出,获得淘汰赛资格。此后,LPL明星选手OMG.Icon作为抽签嘉宾,逐一抽出了8强赛四场比赛的对阵形势. 图1:八强战对阵形势 上半区: SKT vs MSF (10月20日16:00) RNG vs FNC (10月21日16:00) 下半区: LZ vs SSG(10月19日16:00) WE vs C9 (10月22日16:00) 10月19日至10月22日,...

People in Beijing on October 16 (" hero alliance "2017 global finals group on October 15 evening, at the end of the wuhan sports center stadium on matchday after eight, SKT, LZ, RNG, WE, C9, as FNC, SSG, MSF eventually wins out of four groups, qualification for the knockout. Since then, LPL star players OMG. Icon as the draw guests, one by one, take out the four games against the situation of eight strong. Figure 1: the last eight sits against the situation: SKT vs MSF (16:00 on October 20) RNG vs as FNC (16:00 on October 21) half: LZ vs SSG (16:00 on October 19th) WE vs C9 16:00 (October 22) on October 22, October 19 solstice,...

标签: 英雄联盟