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周易算出逃课学生 太复杂 这种方法更简单

Zhouyi to calculate students skipping classes is too complicated this method is more simple

2017-10-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

前两天,成都体育学院的一堂中西方文化专题课上,一上课的老师,利用周易算出了三名逃课的学生。 根据老师的说法,只是为课程做一次预演,预演的结果是…… 厉害了我的老师,75%的命中率,可不可以给小编算算今年的年终奖能发多少。 不过用周易来测试太复杂,不是普通人能掌握的,小编这里给大家介绍更简单的方法——用搜狗旗下的狗仔游戏来测试,更简单。 狗仔游戏是一款手机游戏平台,里面的游戏很多,涉及各个种类上千款的游戏。其中就有测试算命的种类。 比如小萌猫测试脱单,只需要回答几个简单的问题,就能算出来今年脱单的概率。小编测试了一下,还挺准的。看来小编离脱离单身狗的身份,真的不远了。 ...

The day before yesterday, chengdu sports institute a lesson of Chinese and western cultural topics, a class teacher, worked out the three classes of students using the zhouyi. According to the teacher, just do a rehearsal for courses, preview the result is... Much of my teacher, 75% shooting, could you send small make up can calculate to this year's bonuses. But with Zhou Yilai test is too complex, not ordinary people can master, here small make up to introduce more simple method with sogou's paparazzi, to test the game, more simple. Paparazzi is a mobile game platform game, the game a lot, involving various kinds of the game. Including the types of testing fortune-telling. Such as little of cat test sheet, you just need to answer a few simple questions, you can work out the probability to take off the list this year. Small make up the test, it is quite accurate. Look small make up from out of a single dog, really not far away. ...