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The god of dance fantasy hero lunalhx totem element analysis

2017-08-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

网元圣唐旗下北京九凤以虚幻4引擎倾力打造的国产单机新作《神舞幻想》的角色解封活动正在如火如荼地进行当中,点击图腾即可参与解救相应角色!上周在玩家帮助下突破封印的是来自沙漠的17岁倏忽族少女“望舒”,今日,就让我们来鉴赏一下望舒的图腾,看看其中究竟蕴含了哪些与她相关的设计元素! 望舒的原意,是中国神话大系中为月亮驾车之神的名字,与帝俊的妻子“日母”羲和相对应,也可借指月亮。这个词最早出现于著名诗人屈原的《楚辞·离骚》,“前望舒使先驱兮,后飞廉使奔属。”即是说屈原幻想自己能上天入地,有月神望舒为其开路,风神飞廉跟随在后。望舒的母亲即是因在梦中见到了一位像月亮般美丽的女神,才将女儿取名为望舒...

Net yuan SAN tang's Beijing nine chicken of unreal engine 4 lean strength in domestic stand-alone book "god dance fantasy" unlock the role of activity is picking up, click on the corresponding role totem to participate in the rescue! Last week, with players help break seal is 17 years old from the desert ephemeral race girl "lunalhx", today, let's appreciate the lunalhx totem, look at the what exactly she related design elements contained! Lunalhx meaning, it is in Chinese mythology series for driving the name of god, the god of the moon, and the emperor's wife, "mother, xihe, and also can borrow refers to the moon. The word first appeared in the famous poet qu yuan's li SAO, "chu ci", "pioneer lunalhx before, after flying inexpensive make rush." That said qu yuan fancies himself in dungeons, month god lunalhx for its open and fengshen fly follow. Lunalhx mother is due to meet in a dream for one as beautiful as the moon goddess, will only daughter named lunalhx...