新关注 > 信息聚合 > AMD疑似曝光Xbox Series X背部设计,微软予以否认

AMD疑似曝光Xbox Series X背部设计,微软予以否认

Amd suspected exposure of Xbox series X back design, Microsoft denied

2020-01-07 09:41:23来源: 游戏时光

微软次世代主机 Xbox Series X 于 2019 年 12 月公布,当时微软只向我们展示了这款全新主机正面的设计,我们无法一窥其背部的设计样式。而就在今天进行的 CES AMD 发布会上,AMD 在一段视频中展示了 Xbox Series X 的背部设计。可以发现,在 AMD 给出的视频中,Xbox Series X 背部包含两个 HDMI 接口,两个 USB-C 接口和常规的光缆音频接口及网线接口。不过随后,微软通过 CharlieINTEL 发表了一则声明,表示这段视频中的 Xbox Series X 背部设计并非来自微软官方,而是来自于 TurboSquid ...

Microsoft's next-generation Xbox series X was released in December 2019. At that time, Microsoft only showed us the front design of this new console, and we couldn't get a glimpse of the design style of its back. At today's CES amd launch, amd showed the back design of the Xbox series X in a video. It can be found that in the video provided by AMD, the back of Xbox series X contains two HDMI interfaces, two usb-c interfaces and conventional optical cable audio interface and network cable interface. However, Microsoft later issued a statement through Charlie Intel that the Xbox series X back design in this video was not from Microsoft, but from & nbsp; turbosquid & nbsp

标签: 微软 Xbox