新关注 > 信息聚合 > SIE总裁:PS5还有更独特的新特性尚未公开


Sie President: ps5 has more unique new features yet to be disclosed

2020-01-09 09:59:04来源: 游戏时光

《商业内幕》近日发表了对索尼互动娱乐总裁兼 CEO Jim Ryan 的专访。在专访中,Ryan 表示 PS5 还有一个「与以往的游戏主机差别更大」的新特性尚未公布。当被问及「PS5 的独特魅力」时,Ryan 表示,每次新主机的推出都需要独特的吸引力,并列举了一些已公布的 PS5 特性,比如配备了高性能 SSD、3D 音频或者触觉反馈手柄等,之后他补充说:不过比起上面提到这些特性,PS5 还有着跟以往的游戏主机差别更大的特性。关于这个「差别更大的特性」,我们还没有公开过。此外,采访中谈起 PS4 的首发,日本市场的发售是比欧美延迟了 3 个月的。被问起日本能否与欧美同步首发时,Ryan 表示自...

Business insider recently published an exclusive interview with Jim Ryan, President and CEO of Sony interactive entertainment. In an exclusive interview, Ryan said that ps5 also has a new feature that is "more different from previous game consoles" and has not yet been announced. When asked about "the unique charm of ps5", Ryan said that every time a new console is launched, it needs a unique attraction. He lists some published features of ps5, such as high-performance SSD, 3D audio or tactile feedback handle. After that, he added: however, compared with the features mentioned above, ps5 has more features than previous game consoles. We have not yet made public this "more distinctive feature.". In addition, when talking about the launch of PS4 in the interview, the sale of PS4 in Japanese market was delayed by 3 months compared with that in Europe and America. Asked if Japan could start with Europe and the United States simultaneously, Ryan said that since

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