新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第七届DOTA2国际邀请赛开幕 中国五支战队进入正赛

第七届DOTA2国际邀请赛开幕 中国五支战队进入正赛

The 7th international invitational tournament DOTA2 opening China's five teams to enter the race

2017-08-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2017年8月8日,TI7开幕式在大洋彼岸的美国西雅图市中心钥匙体育馆举行,以骄人成绩入围的五支中国战队和其它十一支来自世界各区的战队,一起进入到最残酷、也最激动人心的淘汰赛阶段,直到8月13日决出本年度TI赛事的最终王者。 开幕式上,开场表演是两位主持人经由DOTA2的沉浸模式化身为游戏中的全能骑士和水晶室女,穿越到天辉夜魇的世界中,与神秘商人相遇,魔法饼干仿佛在预示着什么。而在公布的TI7神秘信使的帮助下,两位主持人回到了钥匙球馆,随着一声“Welcome to the International”,主题表演拉开帷幕。 来自全人声乐团PTX的live noice表演引导玩家沉浸在腥红...

On August 8, 2017, TI7 opening ceremony in downtown Seattle key ocean stadium, with impressive results the top five, China team and other eleven teams from each area of the world, together into the most brutal, and the most exciting knockout stages, until August 13 decided TI event this year the final winner. At the opening ceremony, opening is two host via DOTA2 immersed modeled as a game in the all-around knights and crystal virgo, through to the day bright night Yan world, meet with mysterious businessman, as if to signal what magic biscuits. Published in TI7 mysterious messenger, with the help of two host came back to the key arena, as a "Welcome to the International", theme performance began. Live from the vocal orchestra PTX noice performance lead players immersed in scarlet and...

标签: DOTA