新关注 > 信息聚合 > RTC2017第三届实时互联网大会第二批讲师公布


The third real-time Internet conference of RTC2017 announced the second batch of the instructor

2017-08-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

9月21-22日,由全球实时云服务商声网Agora.io主办的RTC2017第三届实时互联网大会(亚洲站)将在北京万豪酒店召开,这是亚洲唯一实时通信行业和技术大会,也是目前亚洲规模最大、技术行业大咖最集中、最具有代表性的一次实时通信行业盛会。 作为亚洲唯一一个实时通信技术大会,RTC2017实时互联网大会此次全球召集“RTC技术江湖”上的顶级专家前来分享。之前官方已经发布过一批重磅讲师,这批讲师汇聚实时通信行业专家和大型互联网平台RTC应用专家,前来分享关于实时通信RTC技术的实践与发展,覆盖了短延迟互动直播、 语音社交、视频社交、VR社交、AI音频、语音识别、国内最权威编解码标准组织。目...

September 21-22, Agora. By the global real-time sound cloud service provider network IO RTC2017 third real-time Internet conference, hosted by Asia (stand) will be held in Beijing marriott hotel, this is the only Asian real-time communication industry and technology conference, is currently Asia's largest higher-ups, technology industry the most concentrated, the most representative of a real-time communication industry event. As the only Asian conference a real-time communication technology, real-time Internet RTC2017 assembly on the global called "RTC technology river's lake" of top experts to share. Before the official has published a number of blockbuster lecturer, the lecturer gather real-time communication industry and large Internet platform RTC application experts, to share about the practice and development of RTC real-time communication technology, covered with short delay live interaction, voice social audio, video, social networking, VR social, AI, speech recognition, the most authoritative domestic codec standards organization. The eye...