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北京地铁站惊现玄鸟涂鸦 《轩辕传奇手游》带你再遇神兽

Beijing subway station near fenice graffiti "xuanyuan legend mobile game" take you again meet god beast

2017-08-08 10:29:59来源: 任玩堂

执子之手,共赴山海。腾讯山海经匠心巨制《轩辕传奇手游》全平台不限号已进行了一段时间,轩辕迷们重返蛮荒时代,开启上古探险之旅。为此,著名涂鸦师骆宗杰去到北京地铁站,展开了一场非比寻常的涂鸦表演,在墙上绘出一只栩栩如生的上古神兽——玄鸟。从现在起到8月18日,有兴趣的玩家都可前往北京国贸地铁站观看这场涂鸦展,一睹涂鸦玄鸟的风采,品味流行文化与中华经典的美妙碰撞!北京地铁站涂鸦表演 上古神兽玄鸟手绘值《轩辕传奇手游》全平台不限号火爆进行之际,广州墙粉俱乐部成员、KISSFUNK合作艺术家骆宗杰先生,在7月28日至29日期间,于北京国贸地铁站进行了一场趣味性极强的涂鸦表演。值得一提的是,骆宗杰先生自2...

Taking your hand, to hide. Tencent and seas originality any blockbuster "xuanyuan legend mobile game platform as a whole has made for a period of time, xuanyuan enthusiasts to return to the wild times, open the ancient adventure. For this, the famous graffiti LuoZongJie go to subway station in Beijing, opened a unusual graffiti show, on the wall painted a vivid ancient god beast - fenice. From now until August 18, players are interested can go to watch the graffiti show Beijing guomao subway station, the first glimpse of the graffiti fenice, pop culture taste and the collision of Chinese classic! Beijing subway graffiti performance Ancient god beast fenice hand-painted value "xuanyuan legend mobile game platform as a whole amid unlimited number boom, guangzhou wall powder club member, Mr LuoZongJie KISSFUNK cooperation artists, during the period of 29 July 28 solstice, guomao subway station in Beijing had a strong interest of graffiti. It is worth mentioning that Mr LuoZongJie since 2...

标签: 手游