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Who and magic a? A copy of the proud day ChuQiaoChuan plot

2017-08-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

北射天狼、黯灭龙牙、御龙战衣、落日神箭、玄黄宝印…样样都是傲天楚乔传中的绝世宝物,每一件都拥有毁天灭地的超级能量。与其说是宝物还不如说是神兵更准确一些,因为傲天楚乔传中的宝物一共分为了三类,依次为神兵、宝戒、奇珍。刚才这一系列的宝物都隶属于“神兵”系列,非常珍贵。江湖传闻宝物一出谁与争锋,其中第一项便是威力无穷的神兵。今日小编盘点下神兵系统内储存了多少把绝世神兵,它们你又该如何拥有呢? 北射天狼,是傲天楚乔传游戏中我们最先可以获得的神兵,直接提升1000+的战斗力。宝物技能“天火流星”堪称江湖上远程攻击的必杀,可对目标及周围3个、最多5个目标造成60%+1000伤害。 第二把神兵...

North Sirius, dark out the dragon teeth, royal heros clothes, the sun god arrows, XuanHuangBao printing... Everything is a rare treasure in the proud day ChuQiaoChuan, everything have destroyed day out of the land of the super energy. Is not so much treasure than magic more accurate, because the proud day ChuQiaoChuan of treasures were divided into three categories, followed by magic, treasure, treasures. Just now, this series of treasures are affiliated with "magic" series, very precious. A mention of artifacts, die another day in which the first is the endless magic power. Small make up today's inventory in store how much the supernatural magic system under the magic, how do you have them? North shot Sirius, is a proud day ChuQiaoChuan game we can get the magic of first, enhance the combat effectiveness of 1000 + directly. Treasure skills "skyfire meteor" is the river ranged attack will kill, but to the target and the surrounding three, at most five goals for 60% + 1000 damage. The second magic...